Thursday 24 May 2012


Being the organised person I am, I cleaned out and sorted all of my files on my work computer today. I tend to browse at work sometimes, keeping updated on my favourite blogs and shopping sites and I very often come across outfits and pieces I love and save them to my computer for inspiration.

Before I got promoted, I used to spend up to 3 hours on reception every day as opposed to an hour in the afternoons now, and I used to use this time for my browsing and creations. This is how my collages were born.

A friend at work (also a fashion blog nut) asked me to put a couple of inspiration boards together if I got bored while I was answering the phones, so this is what I did. With limited resources and restrictions on work computers I just used Microsoft Word to put these together.

My work from mid-last year:

I'm sure within the next couple of days I will have created some more. Theme ideas or specific celeb related boards will be welcomed!


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