Showing posts with label outfits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outfits. Show all posts

Friday, 27 April 2012

Looking back

luv lou kimono, supre singlet, dont ask amanda shorts, glassons belt and shoes, cambridge satchel company fluro satchel

This outfit contains some of the favourite pieces I own. These dont ask amanda shorts I bought in Melbourne last year and they have been my go to pair ever since. They are cut so nicely as to make my legs not look like total sausages when I wear them and have this beautiful lace texture which makes them a little bit different. My high heel chunky loafers I love to death. Unfortunately I fell in love with them but they only had a size up. Silly me bought them anyway and put infills inside them but it didn't make a difference so now I can only wear them out when there's not too much walking to do.

My lovely precious cambridge satchel has featured heavily before but how can I not? It is so beautiful and makes any outfit pop.

Tonight is a freezing cold night so instead of wearing something nice and flowy like this, I'm confined to jeans, boots and a big jacket. Off to dinner and a movie now because it's pretty much too cold to do anything else! 


Sunday, 26 February 2012


urban outfitters dress, lipstik shoes, hat and socks unknown, arrow ring urban outfitters, middle ring lovisa.

Hannah's 21st was last night at the local bowling club, it was an eventful night and much fun was had. Thanks to Erin for the photos!

photos by Erin Hoyer

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

supre singlet, glassons skirt, dotti belt, socks from local shops, lipstik shoes, lovisa necklace, olga berg clutch.

After an extended period away from the blog I decided that I should try out the frilly socks, take some shots on the train on the way out and put them up. What do you think? 

Even though by the time I had come home I had lost both my frilly socks and shoes, I think the outfit went alright for a night out. Conveniently the socks added some extra comfort to some otherwise painful by the end of the night high heels.

Keep watching for my next take on frilly socks next weekend!


Sunday, 8 January 2012

Homebake 2011

mooloola top, the cassette society skirt, rubi loafers, princess highway bag, burberry sunglasses, daisy chain from equip.
hannah wears: erin louise dress, asos sunglasses, big w shoes.

360 signed our arms


eskimo joe

Pics are only up about a month late from Homebake Music Festival 2011. There were some great acts this year including Aussie hip-hop artist 360, and band Eskimo Joe which I had the pleasure of meeting!

The daisy chain I wore on my head for the day was a hit at the festival and when we continued into the city afterwards. All in all, a wonderful day. Can't wait for next year xx

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

NYE 2011

Happy new year! Hoping that everyone had a memorable 2011 and have a fantastic year 2012 to come. Just wanted to share some new years eve pics with you. I felt like cinderella in these shoes they really made my night...

lipstik shoes, collette clutch, lovisa necklace, equip rings, blossom dress.

You will have to excuse photos, they were taken on photobooth on macbook in our hotel room before heading out to the city for the night.
Hope everyones NYE was as fantastic as mine!


Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Summer Santa

supre singlet, dont ask amanda shorts, rubi shoes, sportsgirl hat, diva necklace, dangerfield sunglasses, princess highway bag.

Yay Christmas is coming! You know how I know this? Maybe because of the giant Santa next door! I am starting to get worried though, there's only about two and a half weeks until Christmas and I haven't done nearly all of my shopping. Have you done yours? x

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Leopard doesn't change its spots

alyssa wears: mink pink dress, lipstik shoes, collette clutch.
hannah wears: glassons dress, collette clutch, novo shoes.

Some friends are very lucky to be able to share clothes. With one of my friends in particular, we can take the same item of clothing and transform it in to a completely different style to each others. So really we can share everything! As you can see above, this friend of mine is Hannah and she is wearing my dress and my clutch. I am wearing Hannah's dress. The only thing we can't share is our shoes (much to Hannah's dismay) as we are different sizes. 

I would love to be able to tell you that I have saved much money from doing this but really I haven't. I usually just go out and buy more clothes when I want them rather than just checking out my friends wardrobes, but it's always nice to have some backup. xx

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

DIY - shredded singlet

I was going through my wardrobe last week and pulled out a few items I never wear and don't really like. Instead of just throwing them out or using them as rags I decided to play around with them and see if I could make them wearable again. 

I have really been inspired by fringing for the last few seasons, I love everything with fringing (I've been looking for a reasonably priced fringed bag for agessssss!). So this was my inspiration for this funny coloured asymmetrical singlet top from glassons which I'm pretty sure I found on the sale rack and bought it for the sake of buying something.

front view

back view

Because the back is shorter and sits just above the bum, I only shredded the front of my top.

1. Turn the top inside out and with a pencil draw a line where you want to cut strips up to. It's best if you try the top on first and work out how high you want it.

2. Cut in a straight line up the middle of the top up to the line you drew.

3. Continue cutting strips up all the way to the side, I did mine in all different thicknesses so it was nice and rough looking.

4. Finish cutting up the whole front of the top to the line drawn. 


What do you think? Quick, easy and cheap to add a little quirkiness to my festival outfit. xx

Festival fever

glassons top (diy - to come), supre skirt, spend-less shoes gumboots, portmans fedora, cotton on bag, wanderlust and co studded cuff, ray ban aviators (below).

hannah wears: glassons shorts, luv lou by erin louise top, spend-less shoes gumboots, equip sunnies.

There was certainly no need for gumboots on Saturday at Sydney Showground and what a day it turned out to be! The pouring rain in the morning cleared up by midday and out came the sun. Shame I had already planned my festival outfit around rain but it turned out ok. Some of the acts were amazing, the picture above being a packed out ANZ Stadium for LMFAO.

These shorts! I want them aren't they gorgeous? If anyone knows where I can get myself a pair drop me a comment! xx

Thursday, 24 November 2011


charlie brown coat, target work pants, rubi beret, brogues from a little shop in melbourne, cambridge satchel company satchel.

I took my satchel to work today and I decided to really make it POP. I wore completely black and against my outfit you almost needed sunglasses it was so bright. My beautiful bright satchel inserted some joy into such a gloomy day in Sydney. It hasn't stopped raining all week and apparently it doesn't plan on stopping for the weekend. So on that note...


mid-calf black gumboots: spend less shoes. 

These babies will do me just fine on Saturday at Stereosonic since it is going to be sloppy and wet and my festival Converse will not suffice! Been on the search for gumboots since the start of the week and since they are out of season but the lovely Hannah rang around today and found some! They are boring black but I'm not complaining especially as Hannah took even more initiative and bought us emergency ponchos! Lifesaver. 

Tickets are still on sale from the website or just have a look on facebook, it seems everyone is scared of the rain so they have decided to sell their tickets! xx

Monday, 21 November 2011

Sheer on sheer

portmans skirt, supre sheer top and singlet underneath, glassons blazer, novo boots, kaboodle designs necklace.

Now I'm not really one for wearing lots of black and dark colours, but when it is different textures it doesn't seem so boring to me. I tried this sheer on sheer combo and I felt so comfortable and light. As you can tell, I had a bit of fun with the flowy skirt (you should see some of the other photos). I was so excited to find this skirt a while back with the knife pleats in it and loved the colour but what I didn't think about at the time (all I was thinking about was how pretty it was), what am I going to wear with it? Anyway as you can see above I decided sheer on sheer was a bit more interesting especially teamed with my new clock necklace from Kaboodle Designs. Pretty right? xx 

Monday, 14 November 2011

Picnic in the park

glassons dress, denim vest (vintage denim jacket customised by me), rubi sandals, ray ban aviators, wanderlust & co studded cuff.

Wow it has been a scorching few days! Today temperatures reached about 35ºC so it was hooooooot. Yesterday I went on a picnic to a nice little park at Hunters Hill that I found in this book - Sydney's Best Picnic Spots and Beaches. I'm going to try and visit one every couple of weeks because there are just so many beautiful places in Sydney and the weather is just getting better and better.

I packed a nice and unhealthy assortment of snacks consisting of chips, dips, biscuits and lollies and played around with the trees. It was so nice to relax and watch kids riding their bikes and birds flying around in the trees.

So my outfit: the ripped denim vest I bought as a denim jacket from vinnies, ripped off the sleeves and tore it up in a few places. I think it turned out alright in the end! The cuff I'm wearing was bought online from Wanderlust & Co. They have the cutest stuff I've bought so many other pieces from there and they are such a decent price. I highly recommend you try them out!

Anyway Monday is finally over which is a relief so off to bed for me, hopefully I will be able to get some sleep in this heat! xx