Showing posts with label parties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parties. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 February 2012


urban outfitters dress, lipstik shoes, hat and socks unknown, arrow ring urban outfitters, middle ring lovisa.

Hannah's 21st was last night at the local bowling club, it was an eventful night and much fun was had. Thanks to Erin for the photos!

photos by Erin Hoyer

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Mad Hatter's tea party

blazer, vest, watch and teapot all op shop finds. bow tie from $2 shop, rubi wedges, homemade hat, rings from collette.

Had a fantastic night at Em's 21st last Friday night, always fun to dress up. Been out of action for a week as I have been in Melbourne for Melbourne Cup  and a bit of a holiday. Unfortunately I had too much hand luggage as it was to bring along my laptop so I had to leave it at home and now that all photos are sorted out they will be up over the next few days. 

Bit of a scary looking costume for me hey?